My Spiritual Journey to Downsizing and WellnessGUILTY AS CHARGED
208 pounds---that was the heaviest weight my body has ever achieved. You think you can beat that! Haha! Really, it’s a combination of an extreme passion for food gorging, undisciplined habits and erratic lifestyle. I was on the road to murdering myself slowly. Overeating was my ultimate crime and food was my sole accomplice!
Don’t get me wrong. Even though I weighed as much as a baby elephant not so long ago, I didn’t really hate the world I lived in. I had my share of really bad days of course; dealing with daily criticisms from friends, loved ones, acquaintances or even strangers. But this didn’t really shove me to go to a depressing, rebellious, hermit state. Sorry to disappoint you, but I wasn’t very much like those stereotypical “plus size people” who are depressed and dispirited because of weight issues. Let’s just say that I’ve been fortunate enough to carry a positive, sexy attitude always, no matter what my body size is. Besides, S-E-X-Y to me has always been about attitude and style, and not about measurements.
At 208 pounds, I started feeling sick. I was in and out of the hospital to do series of tests to find out what was wrong with me. I was later diagnosed with hypertension and a fatty liver. That’s when I finally started to pay attention to my family’s medical history and to learn about my body composition, resting heart rate, cholesterol level, and all that jazz. I was so obsessed about celebrating life that I felt the need to indulge in everything sinfully delicious. My sudden realization that all was not well meant abruptly giving up my excessive food gorging! I felt as though my life was suddenly interrupted. You could just imagine how it crashed my world! It meant saying “N-O” to something that felt so right! I’ve always been an ardent lover of food! Tasting to me is the most sensational yet wholesome human experience! I love flavors and I genuinely love to cook! For crying out loud! I belong to a family who talks about food even while eating! That’s how we take food seriously!
I used to smoke a lot like a beaten down jeepney and oftentimes my alcohol levels would make me wobbly. Aside from my “In pursuit of pleasure” lifestyle, my nocturnal profession also contributed to my deteriorating health condition.
When I was diagnosed with hypertension and fatty liver, I arrived at a decision to improve my quality of life. I was determined to revive my health and to take better care of myself. I realized how my dormant standard of living was slowly putting my life in jeopardy, and that my constant food gorging could seriously kill me. Now, I realized that it has already taken its toll. It’s funny how food can be a source of nourishment for your body, yet it can also be the very thing that destroys it too. As the old saying goes, “Too much of anything is a bad thing.”
I decided to make a commitment to my soul to improve my way of life. Being a drama queen, I made a written contract for myself, because I wanted to have a strong and unforgettable start. I felt that the journey I was about to take was more of a spiritual journey, rather than a physical one. The feeling at that time was kind of metaphysical. (Sheila! You drama queen, you!) I want to share with you my written contract with you, hoping that it might come in handy. I renew my contract yearly, on November 22nd-my hubby’s birthday.
I, ___________, understand that I am undertaking an intensive course to lose 30 pounds starting today, Monday, June 15, 2009.
I, ___________, commit to a daily food journal, weekly updates and reading, body measurement performed every other week, daily cardio activity; various strength training, muscle building and other physical activities that will help me achieve my desired weight goal of 138 pounds by the end of this course on Sunday, November 22, 2009.
I____________, fully understand that this course will raise issues and emotions for me to deal with.
I, ___________, commit myself to excellent self-care which includes adequate sleep, proper diet, exercise and pampering, for the duration of the course.
• I keep a daily food journal to keep track of everything I eat. It’s my road map to staying focused and hopefully reaching a healthy destination by the end of the day. It helps me improve my eating habits and teaches me to become more familiar with and watchful of nutritional facts and labels.
• I also religiously keep a weekly meal planner to help me stay within my allowable diet. I have learned to develop new exciting recipes that are healthy yet delicious. I’d be delighted to share them with you. Just shoot me an email!
BASIC RULE: *Low Fat *Low Salt * Low Sugar
For beginners, you may use the food pyramid as a guide.
• Follow a regular eating schedule. It keeps your blood sugar stable instead of peaking and crashing, which can lead to overeating and a general poor feeling.
• Regular meals will speed up your metabolism by challenging it to keep processing calories rather than storing them in a game of “feast and famine.”
7:00 pm / 8:00 PM BREAKFAST ½ cup rice *grilled tuna *chopseuy * orange
10:00 PM SNACK *1 cup baked banana chips (21 pcs)
12:00 AM LUNCH *1/2 cup rice * chicken tinola (chicken stew) * banana
2:00 am / 3:00 AM SNACK *gelatin or non fat yogurt
4:00 am / 5:00 AM DINNER *garden salad or gourmet sandwich (no mayo please!)
It’s best to start your downsize course by consulting a doctor so you can get medical information which will suit your needs and condition. By doing so, you may plan your weekly meal safely. Diet is not the same thing for all of us. One person’s healthy diet may be harmful for someone else. Not everything that is labeled “HEALHTY” is good for you.
• Know your body composition. Get your body measurements. Ask your doctor about Bioelectric Impedance Analysis. It’s the easiest way to check your body composition.
• Know your family medical history. This will help you take steps to reduce medical risk factors.
• Know your cholesterol level
• Know your resting heart rate.
• Know your waist to hip ratio. It’s the best test for predicting heart attacks.
• Exercise burns calories. It is much more effective for weight loss than dieting alone. Exercising while losing weight will help the body tone and shape up, reducing the risk of loose, saggy skin.
• Exercising releases natural endorphins that make us feel good, so it is great for reducing stress and depression. Knowing we are making an effort to improve our health can also raise our self esteem and general well-being
• So, how much exercise do we need? The recommended guidelines are that we should exercise for 30 minutes -5 times a week. Any form of exercise counts, from going for a walk to dancing or using the cardiovascular equipment at the gym. Find something that works for you.
• Diet buddies are just two people who share a common goal. They know they can count on each other to help them achieve that goal in whatever way it takes to do that. Find a good one! I found a really good one in Columbus Ohio, in the form of Ms. Shermaine Bennett. (I dedicate this article to you, Dearie ☺)
• Have a cheat day, but not a binge day!
• There are 7 days in a week. Treat yourself to a sinful palate experience at least once a week. Reward yourself a little for being a good girl or a boy!
I am currently at 160 pounds and am still considered heavy for my 5’7 height. My goal is to lose 22 pounds more and be at 138 pounds by November 22, 2009. I used to be a 3XXX plus size woman. Now I’m down to being simply large fit. I am aiming to be a medium fit very soon. Finally, I can shop again just about anywhere that offers large fit clothes.
It took me 2 years to lose a total of 48 pounds. I know it sounds like a very long, long process, but it’s been worth every step. I took it “slowly but surely”, so to speak. I wanted to make sure I learned and enjoyed the entire process of downsizing and improving my quality of life. Right from the start, I told my sane self that I wouldn’t be too hard on myself anymore; that I would make sure that I totally understood and confronted the emotions, issues, challenges, changes, lessons and realizations I was going to face while taking the spiritual journey to wellness. I have tried several different types of fad diets. They worked only for a while, but I eventually went back to my old lazy ways. Fad diets just made me hate the idea of losing weight and made me feel so deprived, hungry and MAD!
As you can see, I am still on a downsizing quest. I am currently pursuing a healthy lifestyle so I can discover more of the joys of choosing wellness as a way of life. I want to be able to say that I have the energy to live an active and fulfilling life because my health allows it. I want to fully suck the marrow out of life! I know that choosing wellness is a lifelong journey. It entails discipline, dedication, passion and commitment. I am just so glad I’m on my way there!
For those of you who are currently downsizing or planning to live a healthier lifestyle, please try to be kind to yourself. Please take it easy and make sure you enjoy the entire experience.
Whatever your body size is, embrace it! After all, you can only own ONE body! So love it to the fullest and take good care of it!